Friday, July 17, 2009

Morganton, NC

We arrived yesterday in NC after a long 6 + hr. dr. I truly met Kris's parents for the first time and got to know their personalities a lot better. I laughed with his moth
er so hard at several points i thought i might lose control of my bladder. I met her brother as well, very nice man and very comfortable with being a pervert. His father stay in the background mostly, observing and listening as we all made quite a noise. Strong, silent type, you know?
We have been up about an hour now after having slept horribly for about 3 hours. I feel so refreshed i could slap myself. Hopefully the lukewarm shower i will be taking will knock some sense into me.
We have a few people to see today for Kris's sake, Friends and family, with an additional stop possibly at the computer store so he may make sure his mother has access to the outside world before we leave this blip on the map.
Perhaps if not dazed, I will write more later today. We'll see.

Monday, July 13, 2009

For hours we slept earlier today / this morning. I awoke, feeling surprising refreshed for a change. Considering the coming days of moving both my belongings and hers, Lilith and I headed out to town around 11 pm to get some supplies. Among them we got totes for packing things, a laundry basket, and multi colored clothes hangers. hey ranr high on my "whats cool list". When we came home she proceeded to relieve me of the burden of my ever so long hair. We have both agreed it looks a thousand times better than it did before. Eventually we'll get around to posting some pics. Its rather early / late now, almost 6 am, Im going to do the dishes soon, and fix some chicken noodle soup. We have a couple of movies we are going to watch before going to bed. All is well, wonderfully so as a matter of fact.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What the hell is wrong?

I am not in a great place in my head right now. We have been bickering more than i would like. If I change my "tone" he is quick to get up in arms about things like I have just bitten his head off. It makes me feel like a bad person. As if I cannot communicate well with him. I love him dearly but, when this occurs it frustrates me to the point of tears. I wish I could find some peace of mind in these times. I know he loves me. That will be what I have to cling to to keep me from turning into a raging inferno of emotion.
I have to think that maybe it's because we aren't settled into our apartment yet or, that maybe it was because we had dinner with 12 other people tonight to celebrate my mother's birthday and he is just feeling residual stress. I want to be close, almost one with my slave but, sometimes he feels so distant, held captive in his head, his thoughts the prison gaurds.
I love you, Kristopher.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

This is apt to be long and rambling. Its around 6 pm here in Ky. We just woke up a little while ago. Our sleeping schedule has been off lately to say the least. Aside from strange dreamland hours things have been going wondefully. Yesterday we ran some arrands and ended up going by the goodwill. Lillith, with her savy shopping skills found six pairs of jeans and a couple of really nice shirts for me. Evidentally, becuase of my size and stature, womens clothing fits better, so I've had to shift my thinking on the matter. I will admit its nice to have clothes that actually fit properly, and even more so to know how pleased she is with the way I look in them. We are pretty settled into our temp apratment at the moment. Its nice to have privacy, and we have most modern convienances, such as a micro wave acess to washer and dryer stove top for cooking, etc. It will be a couple of weeks before our new apartment is ready, we plan to spend a couple of days in gatlinburg near the end of the month, on the way back to NC. I still have some belongings I need to get from my Dads. Prmarily of course my computer. I miss it, as strange as that might sound. There is such a difference between using a desktop and a laptop. Plus theres also the fact that all my movies and media are on there. I have a ton of things left to do today so I'll bring this to an end for now.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Do vampires exist?

We are sitting up watching ATHF on adult swim. He is eating unwatered down chicken noodle soup. Since Kristopher and I have been together, I have not be in contact with many people. I have had a few outings to go to the store, visit the doctor, and do a few deals to make some money. I will be working tomorrow. My parents have been kind enough to let me work part time under the table doing accounts payable. This, with my long term disability, is paying the bills.
I am attending school right now to obtain my associates degree to be an RN. I am looking forward to being able to support me and mine independantly.
Kristopher and I have made plans to go down to North Carolina to collect his things and to visit with his parents. We will be spending 4 days in Gatlinburg on the way back. I am very much looking forward to this little getaway. Us, lounging in the hottub on the porch, overlooking the beauty of the Smokeys.
Perhaps we will get back on normal sleep scheduale during that time. We have become nocturnal. I miss the light of day.